
Meditation in the Workplace:

Leader of Meditation in Organisations since 2014

Meditation and mindfulness in the workplace: a progressive choice that leaves no regrets.

They trusted us !

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An expert is recognized by their ability to innovate, and here it is.

The most comprehensive offering in corporate mindfulness.

Orchestrated by Marie Eve Lécine and her team.

Discover our 3 essential services

to support you through meditation and mindfulness.


Experience Guided Meditation

Learn Mindfulness

Experience Mindful Yoga

Our approach is sensitive, inclusive, and scientific.




Discover Meditation

With this service, we lead guided meditation sessions with your company virtually or in person.

  • We offer meditations designed to align with the needs of your employees and your strategic objectives (mental health, resilience, healthy performance, etc.).
  • The frequency of sessions is up to you; some of our clients offer a 45-minute session per month, while others opt for 15 minutes per week. Together, we tailor the offering to meet your needs, time, and budget. We offer sessions early in the morning, at lunchtime, or in the evening.
  • The chosen meditations are gentle and profound.
  • We use both mindfulness and imagery techniques.
  • We also have a special way of creating profound change through meditation.

We have several clients who have been enjoying this service weekly for years, in Quebec and France.



Learn Mindfulness

In this essential service, we offer conferences or training sessions to introduce your employees to mindfulness meditation. These are available virtually and in person.

  • Our method is very practical and allows your employees to make connections between their challenges at work (e.g., customer service, management, etc.) and mindfulness.
  • The format is adaptable for beginners and skeptics alike.
  • The duration of sessions is flexible, ranging from 45 minutes to 3 hours.
  • Participants leave with a complete kit to prolong the benefits after the training (a small gift is even offered to them!). »

Exclusive !

We have developed a specialty in tailoring the training content to the needs and challenges of your employees within the context of their work.

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation



Experience Mindful Yoga

In Person, tailored Yoga for Your Company.

  • Revitalized body, heart, and mind;
  • Stress Reduction;
  • Enhanced mental clarity and concentration;
  • Enhanced Emotional Well-being
  • Improved Physical Health
  • Better Work-Life Balance

Available in the morning, at noon, and in the evening around Quebec City.

Some arrangements are possible all the way between Quebec and Montreal.

Whether a single class or a regular series, to fully reap the benefits of yoga.

Beyond the proposed formats, it's always good to start with your needs

So feel free to reach out to me so we can discuss together.


Orchestrated by

Marie-Ève Lécine, c.o.o., MA, MBA, has dedicated her career to improving the psychological health of organizations. With over 18 years of experience in academic research and teaching on workplace stress, a master’s degree in management, another in counseling, and a third in meditation (in progress), she has an excellent understanding of the needs of organizations and their stakeholders.

Marie-Ève is the author of the book: « Entreprendre en conscience » and co-author of three guides on mental health in the workplace, focused on work-life balance.

Since its inception, Let it Be Meditation has trained over 1,000 people in meditation through workshops and conferences in Canada and France, and more than 350 instructors worldwide, who teach in various settings. Let it Be Meditation also offers a meditation certification program.

Your Instructor

Jessica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Counseling from Laval University. She is also a certified teacher of mindfulness meditation and themed guided meditations (Let it Be), a yoga teacher trained by Srivatsa Ramaswami in India and by Kula Collective in Guatemala, and a coach (Syma Coaching).

These combined approaches provide her with a deep understanding of human beings and concrete tools to support deep experiential yoga and meditation spaces, as well as sensitive individual guidance. Her sharp mind, active listening, keen intuition, and poetic speech are dedicated to your experience at Let it Be Meditation.

What are the rates ?

The pricing of activities depends on the number of employees and the type of company. Organizations with fewer resources may benefit from a friendly rate.

Larger organizations will have the option to choose between the standard rate and a sponsored rate (slightly higher rate to assist financially challenged businesses). The choice between the standard or sponsored rate is at the discretion of the company.

Our Ethical Charter

In our ethical charter, we collaborate with organizations that align with these principles:

  • The meditations offered are secular.
  • Employees are free to participate in the training activity if they wish. However, meditation is not recommended for individuals whose psychological state is not stabilized.
  • Meditation should not be selected with the aim of boosting performance (while it might have an effect, it’s never a good idea to exploit meditation for the sake of heightened competitiveness). We prefer to focus on fostering healthy performance.